The most common reasons for delivery delays are:
Seller Sourcing Issues: The seller could take longer than expected time to fulfill your order.
Courier service delay: Courier partners takes a longer than expected time to deliver your order.
Cross Border shipment delay: Due to Air Transportation or custom delays, your Cross Border order may take longer than usual to be delivered.
Customer not available: Our Delivery Hero has not been able to get in touch with the customer.
Wrong Address / Phone Number: While placing an order the customer has entered an incorrect address or phone number, leading to late delivery.
Extreme Weather: The weather conditions of the destined city may be rough, for example, heavy rainfall, smog, landslide, etc. which may result in a delivery hold-up.
Law and Order conditions: Due to religious procession, lockdowns, and strike issues resulting in route blocking, you may receive your package after the promised time.